DIVX: pallalink Movie Preview at ASPHODEL
pallalink Movie Preview at ASPHODEL (DivX video: share) sound: Bunsyo Nishikawa, Otokichi Tanaka
Multilingual text
“By making it symmetrical I confront the natural with the mechanical, the artificial. Architecture in itself is made entirely by people to be used and controlled by people. It is artificial. However, when people come and gather, it becomes like a city, a living organism and the situation transforms into something more natural. My works contain both those artificial and natural components. I’m attracted by the dynamism of the change from a simple form to a complicated organism.” “Aplicando la simetría yo confronto lo natural con lo mecánico, lo artificial. La arquitectura esta hecha por personas para ser utilizada y controlada por personas. Es artificial. Sin embargo, cuándo personas la … Read More
VISUAL NIGHT IN ASPHODEL 2007.04.13(fri) 19:30 start at ASPHODEL, Kyoto only 8min. “pallalinkMovie Preview” sound: Bunsyo Nishikawa, Otokichi Tanaka
写真新世紀 大阪展
写真新世紀 大阪展2007 2007年4月20日(金)~5月6日(日)(会期中無休) 10:00~19:00 OAPアートコート Detail 「写真新世紀 大阪展2007 アーティスト・トーク」 2007年4月28日(土)16:00~17:25 OAPアートコート会場内にて
exhibition photo at CASO
Thanks all visitors.