Sell the poster 2008
Pallalink is thinking to sell the poster. My plan is below. size: A1 (594mm X 841mm) offset printing, matt coated paper 135K. estimated completion date: end of July. I wish to print names and URL of pre-orderers in the right white space. price: 20$??(include shipping fee) 100 copies limited If you hope to get the poster, note down your name with a comment. And please tell me your any ideas. If you had ordered similar poster at ASOA, please contact me.
pallalink at 鰻谷サンスイ 08.06.01(SUN)
08.06.01(SUN) HOP KEN presents ホープ軒 その0 @鰻谷サンスイ □d.v.d(itoken+ymg+jimanica) □内橋和久×ガルペプシ×竜巻太郎(from NICEVIEW,TURTLE ISLAND) □ウリチパン郡 □千住宗臣solo □neco眠る □森山ふとし □PALLALINK(PALLA/河原和彦×西川文章×東陰地正喜) □DODDODO×稲田誠 □HACOx西川文章 shop:EGYPT records OPEN17:00 / START17:30 前売 2500yen/当日 2800yen 鰻谷サンスイ pallalinkは会場のアートワークを担当します。