12 Responses

  1. qaz

    good lecture !
    I clearly recalled your presentation in the pecha-kucha night.

  2. toph

    Concise and liberating. Ranks with elastic space and m for urban reinvention, but pallalink is unique in spatial outlook.

  3. palla

    Thanks for interesting links, Toph.
    Someone say an artist or an architect must get specific and original identity…But I don’t think so.

  4. , [ zwei- zwei-]

    amazing concept and very very resourceful! great results.

  5. Matt Hanson

    Just been checking out the pallabook again (a proud sponsor), and thought I’d check out the site. The lecture is fantastic and I really like the new works.
    Particularly interested in the more intimate shots – a great new direction from the macro/architectural. The ‘bicycle in the corner’ shot had me thinking of Silent Hill-style spookiness.

  6. conversionista


  7. Eugê

    I like your idea of creating new spaces and dimensions. Especially your concept of pallalink.net as an autonomous artist is striking. I hope your site encourages you to continue taking and making pictures.
    Best wishes!
    (maybe you can make your comment-form more english 😉 )

  8. Eugê


  9. oki


  10. Andy Psyphon

    Brilliant! Awesome images, and very inspiring.

  11. dan

    i want to hear what is written while i see the pictures. I love this ones, perfect work to take advantage of the computer programmes using the photographies.

  12. Aron Fahl

    Love the style of your photos.
    Is it possible to get in touch with you via mail or anything?